• Split the datapath. The riscv instruction set, at the end of the day, is still just a spec. Someone needs to go and implement it on hardware.
  • The datapaths describe how the different hardware units connect together and perform the operations based on the assembly instructions.

The Final Datapath

Final Datapath

R-Type: register


Performs two state changes

  • reg[rd] = reg[rs1] + reg[rs2]
  • PC = PC + 4
  • Opcode: 0110011
  • The registers are specified by the bits 15-19, 20-24, 7-11 of the instruction.
  • The PC is updated using an adder/ALU hardwired to only add.
  • We use RegWriteEnable to let rd get updated.


  • Very similar to ADD but we have a control signal ALUSel = 1 to negate rd2 input before adding.
  • ALUSel is generated using funct7 = 0100000 for SUB

Other R-type

  • R-type instructions perform simple operations implemented by the ALU.
  • The control signals are generated based on the funct3, funct7.
  • The exact signals generated depend on the ALU construction.

I-Type: immediate

Modifying ADD into ADDI

  • Bits 20-31 specify a 12-bit immediate.
  • We need a unit to sign extend it to 32 bits. Imm. Sel = 1 to enable it.
  • We need a way to choose the immediate instead of rs2. BSel.
  • Other datapaths remain the same.

LW - Load Word

lw x2, 8(x1)

  • Use ALU to add offset and rs1 to get address for memory access.
  • MemRW = read to enable mem. reads.
  • WBSel into a mux choose what goes into rd. Selecting between ALU output and memory block output.

Other loads

  • func3 encodes the size and signedness of the bytes to load.
  • Since wordsize = 32, lb, lh require some additional gates to extract the right data and sign/0-extend based on (lbu, lhu).

jalr rd, imm(rs)

  • Saves return address: rd = PC + 4
  • Jumps to address in register + offset: PC = rs + imm
  • Usually used to jump to addr in register eg: returned from another function.
  • Save the output of PC adder in rd (regfile, PC + 4).
  • Set PCSel = taken to make the jump.

S-Type: store

  • rs1 gives us base address in memory.
  • imm is split up and gives us memory offset.
  • rs2 gives the value to be stored in memory.

SW - store word

  • We just need to pull a wire from the existing rs2 and feed it into the DMEM input.
  • MemRW = write
  • WBSel can be anything since there’s not register writeback.

B-Type: branch

  • Same fields as S-type but immediate is interpreted differently.
  • 13-bit immediate (12 data, 1 sign) to represent jump destinations.
    • 0-th bit is always 0 since jump locations are always even.
    • So we can still manage with a 12-bit immediate.

State Changes:

  • PC = PC + 4 or PC + immediate if branch was taken.

Things to do while branching

  • Calculate PC + immediate

  • Compare rs1, rs2 and feed into mux to choose the correct branch dest.

  • Branch comparator to compare the registers.

  • A mux with PCSel to select PC value.

Branch Comparator

  • IN: BrUn == 1 - to compare unsigned.

  • Out: BrEq == 1 => rs1 == rs2

  • Out: BrEq == 0 => rs1 != rs2

  • Out: BrLT == 1 => rs1 < rs2

  • Out: BrLT == 0 => rs1 >= rs2

J-Type: jumps

jal ra, Label

  • PC = PC + offset - pc relative addressing
  • much larger immediate field (20-bits) locations, 2 byte apart.
  • Change in datapath: add another selector in Immediate Generation.


  • Params: rd, 20-bit immediate.

lui - load upper immediate

  • Similar to addi, but larger immediate and also alu signals to shift to upper 20 bits.

auipc - add upper immediate to program counter

  • Use the paths similar to branch to consume PC into ALU and perform sum.

  • typo: ASel = 1 to ensure PC gets fed into ALU.

Immediate Generation

  • ImmSel signal to select which instruction bits represent the immediate.

Generating Control Signals