The determinant measures the factor of area (or volume) change.


  • The matrix represents where the standard basis vectors land after the transformation.
  • The transformation changes alignment of the entire grid (squish, stretch, shear, flip etc).
  • If we consider the standard basis vectors to be enclosing an area (imagine square for 2D), after the transformation, the basis vectors would point differently and hence enclose a different amount of area.
  • The determinant of the matrix measures the change in this area enclosed by the standard basis vectors.
  • This is just a factor of area change, the factor is same for any region of area enclosed by any two vectors.
  • So determinant measures by how much any region of area changes after the transformation.


  • The sign of the determinant conveys the orientation of the coordinate system.
  • If an matrix operation flips the entire grid, the determinant of that operation will be negative.
  • 3D flip? The right hand rule will no longer hold det is negative.