I think a similar term can be used for text: a synthote is a piece of writing that’s been composed using generative models.

  • Today, text editing is very limited.

    • Done manually by humans.
    • Focused on small sections of text–words, sentences.
    • Just editing; not re-shaping, re-imagining; rarely re-phrasing.
  • Contrast that to image editing.

    • It goes beyond cropping and correcting blemishes.
    • Photoshop enables the editor to re-imagine the image.
  • Text editor of the future will consume your entire writing and synthesize them into the desired shape, style etc.

    • They’ll be able to summarize text or add more detail.
    • They’ll be able to switch between styles–literature, journalistic, technical, comics.
    • etc etc.
  • While I agree with most of what is being said, I’m still thinking Is AI actually creative?
