The brain thinks consciously about an idea when it’s doing something with that idea–reading, writing about it. This we consciously choose–the NYT bestsellers, the best blogs etc. But a lot of thinking happens subconsciously; the brain thinks about things you’ve already read about, churns them and once in a while spits out a sentence to the conscious brain. This we cannot control that well. The only way to control what this brain thinks, is to control what this brain knows. Garbage in, garbage out–feed it twitter, it thinks about quippy replies; feed it regular news, it gets angry and thinks about how to demolish the opponent.

Removing junk from your information diet is good, even better would be to replace it with problems you wanna tackle. Subtle reminders to the subconscious brain nudging it to think about what you want it to think.


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  • Created:: 23rd Jan 2023
  • Updated:: $=dv.el('t', dv.current().file.mday)