• We have a plane in .

  • Take a point on this plane.

  • There is a unique line passing through this point.

    • This line is (by definition) perpendicular to the surface of the plane.
    • We call this the normal vector .
  • Now take any arbitrary point on the plane: .

  • For to lie on the plane it must satisfy the following:

    • , the vector between and , must be perpendicular to , the normal vector.
  • Since is perpendicular to the surface of the plane, it is perpendicular to every vector lying on the plane.

  • If any point fails the perpendicularity property, it does not lie on the plane.

  • Any two normal vectors of a plane are parallel they are unique except for a nonzero scalar multiple.

Expansion of the Equation

Why Scalar Equation

  • Easier to check if point is on the plane with this equation.
  • Easier to tell the normal vector of a plane (similar to how we can easily tell the direction vector of a line).
    • Two lines are parallel if their direction vectors are parallel.
    • Two planes are parallel if their normal vectors are parallel.
