Frames of References

  • People view the world from frames of reference.
  • A frame of reference is information that is obvious to a person.
  • Different people’s frames consist of different areas of information that need to be obvious to them.

Impact of Frames

  • The frame of reference impacts how the person views the world.
  • This means that different people, essentially, see different things.
  • They actually see the same thing, but take out different segments of knowledge from it.
  • Eg: different people looking at a flower
    • A mathematician may look at a flower and marvel at it’s golden-ratio petal arrangement.
    • A biologist may look at a flower and see its sex.
    • A gardener may look at a flower and see that it needs more water.

Getting stuck in your frame

This means it’s really easy to get stuck. Stuck in your current way of seeing and thinking about things. Frames are made out of the details that seem important to you. The important details you haven’t noticed are invisible to you, and the details you have noticed seem completely obvious and you see right through them. This all makes makes it difficult to imagine how you could be missing something important.

- John Salvatier in


When different people, who see different things, work together, they need to account for and appreciate the details one person sees that the other person doesn’t.

If you wish to not get stuck, seek to perceive what you have not yet perceived.
