UART is a very simple protocol.

  • You don’t need a master clock to synchronize the receiver and the transmitter.
  • You just need to transmit at an agreed rate (baut rate).
  • The transmitter signals the start of sending by pulling the signal line low and then sends 8-10 bits. Ending with the stop (HIGH) bit.
  • The receiving consumes the bits using a shift register and then loads the final value into a result register.


The transmitter is fairly simple.

  • You need a mechanism to load data into a shift register.
  • Then you just signal the start of transmission and start shifting out the actual data (LSB first).
  • Even though there’s no shared clock, each device (tx, rg) has an internal clock running at the agreed upon baud rate.
  • We use this internal clock to ensure we transmit signals at the correct points of time.

Clock (baud) Generator

Took me a while to truly grok.

  • The internal clock of the FPGA runs at 12 MHz, while the baud rate I want to target is 9600 Hz.
  • I chose to do this with a clock divider. Since I want 9600 cycles in a sec, how many cycles of master clock are equivalent to a single cycle of my baud clock?
  • So one baud is equal to 1250 cycles on my internal clock.
  • I chose to implement this clock divider using a counter:
always @ (posedge i_clk, posedge i_rst) begin
    if (i_rst) begin
        counter <= 0;
        o_clk <= 0;
    end else if (counter == 1250) begin
        counter <= 0;
        o_clk <= ~o_clk;
    end else begin
        counter <= counter + 1;
  • So I’m flipping the clock when the counter reaches 1250.
  • But my entire cycle was supposed to take 1250 internal cycles. That was the crucial difference.
  • An entire clock cycles consists of the up-right-down-right sequence–all sides of the square wave.
  • So I had to flip the clock at 625 so an entire cycle is completed by 1250.


  • Implementation goal: signal glitches should be ignored, while actual values should be stored.

Implementation paths:

  • Ideally sample value in the middle of the baud clock; or
  • Use counter + internal clock (did this):
    • Internal clock is 8x of the baud clock.
    • Sample on each internal_clk edge sampling multiple times in a single baud clk cycle.
    • Use counter to store how long the signal is active.
    • If active for more than half a baud clock cycle, only then consider signal valid.
    • After filtering out glitches, then you just have to listen for when rx goes low and then start storing values after that.
    • I used the same always block to detect rx low and capturing the data signal.
    • I had another variable continue_rx to distinguish between an init signal (rx low) vs the data bit = 0.

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