event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value)
  • The difference between the indexed and non-indexed parameters in the event is the difference in how they are logged by the EVM.
  • The EVM has four opcodes for logging: LOG0, LOG1, LOG3, LOG4. The number represents the number of topics each log can carry along with it.
  • To log more data, we must use the data field.

Topics vs Data

  • They are two different ways of logging data out of the EVM.

  • Topics are searchable, but expensive.

  • Data is not searchable, but cheaper.

  • Topics are limited to 128 bytes, while data is not.

  • The first topic is the keccak256 hash of the event name and arguments with all keywords removed. Eg: keccak256(Transfer(address,address,uint256))

  • If the params to the event are indexed, they will be logged as topics.

  • The signature (topic 0) is omitted when the event is anonymous.

  • The data emitted are the arguments to the event. Eg: in emit Transfer(from, to, value) the args will be logged as data.

Indexed vs Non-Indexed

  • Indexed parameters of an event are logged as additional topics.
  • A non-indexed param will be logged as data.
