• The implementation essentially involves absorption and squeezing phases.
  • The input data is partitioned into equal sized blocks. The block size = rate.
  • Multi-rate padding rule is used.


for each block:
	state[0:r] = state [0:r] ^ block


Z = ""
while length(Z) < output_length:
	Z = Z || S[0:r] S = permutation(S)


  • The state is (I think) implemented as a giant 1-D array.
  • But it’s useful to also be able to think of it as a 5x5x64 3-D matrix (not sure where 64 came from).
    • 5, 5 are rows and columns and each lane is 64 bits deep.
    • Most operations (I think) are done lane-wise.
  • This leads to state being an array of 1600 elements.

Permutation Function

  • Has 5 steps: theta, rho, pi, chi, iota.


  • Calculate parity of all the columns (bits of lanes in each column).
    • I don’t think parity really means odd/even parities here. It’s just xor.
  • Calculate deltas: xor of the left column parity with the rotated right column parity.
    • ROTL is just rotating the bits left before xoring.
  • Updating the state: for each n-th bit in the state, XOR it to the n-th bit of the Delta of the column that bit belongs to.


  • Each lane is literally just a left rotate by a constant.
  • Rotated per lane.
  • The constant is based on col, row.


  • This moves the lanes into different indices.
\begin{flalign*} (x, y) \rightarrow (x', y') \\ x' = y\\ y' = (2x + 3y)\ \%\ 5 \end{flalign*}


  • Each bit is xored with the ( xor of the bits in the next col and next-to-next col, but same row).


  • Each bit is XORed with a constant.