Complex Conjugate

We literally just flip the sign of .



Very tedius (I think we will learn about this again with polar representations.)


  • For real numbers modulus is equal to the absolute value.
  • Absolute values is kinda weird in complex numbers.
  • Modulus represents the magnitude for complex numbers (think like in vectors).
  • We can’t compare complex numbers directly, but we can compare their magnitude.
    • The result of comparing magnitudes do not apply to the complex numbers themselves.

Complex Plane

  • Thinking more in vectors.

  • is a coordinate on the Cartesian Plane.

  • too represents a point on the Complex Plane.

  • Instead of x, y axes, we have the real and imaginary axes.

  • represent magnitude on their respective axis and gives us the magnitude.

  • Now operations like addition etc are very similar to vector operations using diagrams.